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Youth Reporting

The Stand for something Campaign

The Stand for Something campaign was launched in May 2021 by the European Youth Card Association (EYCA) to encourage young people in Europe to attend the Future of Europe Conference. The campaign was led by 21 youth activists from 16 EU Member States who wanted to encourage young Europeans to engage in conversation and activities on the future of Europe.

The campaign aims to encourage young people to participate in the Future of Europe Conference and make their voice heard in European decision-making. The youth activists sought to motivate young Europeans to share their thoughts and ideas about the future of Europe.

Overall, the Stand for Something campaign was a great success, helping to mobilize 11 million young people across Europe and give them a voice in shaping Europe’s future. 

For Politics

The Voices of young People got heard and written down in the Research Paper of Stand for Something in 2022. Around 3.000 people attended the Qualitative Survey and around 10.000 the Quantitative part of it. The whole campaign and impact was in 17 countries, with over 11 million young  People reached. Their wished, ideas and priorities for Europe were collected and putted into the Research Paper. 

Picture & Data by EYCA
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