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EU Future Talks II

09oct(oct 9)8:0013(oct 13)13:00EU Future Talks IISalzburg

Event Details

Did you always want to create the future of the EU, share your thoughts, ideas and wishes for the future of the European Union with young people from different EU member states and get to know 60 other international youngsters? 

– That’s your chance –

Feel the EU spirit: The EU needs your opinion, ideas and proposals.If you are between 18 and 25 years old and interested in the future of the EU, you are welcome to join our international youth exchange „EU Future Talks 2“ in Austria/Salzburg. 

What is it about?  During the project week (9 to 13 of october 2023) you will get to know each other and Salzburg and its surroundings, work in small groups on one of the four main topics:
– Economic growth and climate protection: conflicting interests;
– Freedom, Security and Solidarity: together as EU fundamental right;
– Global challenges: the role of Europe and
– Digital transformation & AI: changing times in Europe)

and share and discuss your results with European decision-makers at the end of the project week. 

About the program:

Monday: Arrival, welcome and intercultural evening

Tuesday: Excursion to the surroundings of Salzburg, visit to the salt mine, intercultural afternoon programme

Wednesday: Working groups on the main topics and Salzburg city tour

Thursday: Working groups on the main topics and visit to the cinema together

Friday: Exchange with European networked decision-makers, final event and departure

About the accomodation:

You will be accommodated at the A&O Hostel Salzburg, near the main station.

What is the benefit?

You will get to know young people from different countries, with different opinions and approaches, and you can have a great time with them and provide concrete proposals for a better future in the EU, which will be surely presented to EU politicians. 

About the finances:

If you come to Salzburg with a group of five young people who have their main residence in the same country as you, Erasmus+ will almost fully fund the program (we pay for the whole program, accommodation and food, as well as a big part of your travel costs depending on the distance from your home town). 

We would be very happy, if you would like to be part of this international youth exchange. 

If you have any questions or would like to register, please contact Benedikt from akzente Salzburg at [email protected]., 0043662 849291-38

Please register as early as possible until 10 of  August 2023.


9. October 2023 8:00 - 13. October 2023 13:00(GMT+02:00)


akzente Salzburg

akzente Salzburg – reinschauen in der Stadt und in den Bezirken! INFOdrehscheibe, SERVICEstelle, REISEbegleitung, PRÄVENTIONSprofi, BILDUNGScoach, MÄDCHENberaterIn, PROJEKTbastlerIn, KULTURkompass, S-PASSjugendkarte ... ... akzente Salzburg ist eure Lobby und gerne für euch da!

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